Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Here are some photos from a wedding i shot. It was a great day with some amazing people. We all had an amazing day I got some cool images. i love shooting wedding at the waters edge in westbrook CT great place.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunset On The Beach

Sunsets on the beach is a project I am thinking about starting. what it is going to be is simply portraits on the beach at sunset. Now I know what your thinking "that has been done hundreds of times". Well you are absolutely right, it has been. why I want to shoot this small project is simply because i love the light at sunset it is beautiful and I would say edgy. So i would like to capture that feeling I get in a portrait.

This image is more on the edgy side of how I saw the day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Car shoot

So shooting cars has never really been something I love doing or something I think I’m good at. But my good friend said he really wanted me to take photos of his car. Of cores me being who I am and jumping on any photo opportunity I said yes. Going into this shoot I had no idea what to expect. I don’t know what to look for when I shoot cars I don’t know good angels when it come to shooting cars so you can say I went into this shoot blind. Sometimes that’s not always a bad thing. So I was thinking in my head well what could I relate a car to that is something I enjoy shooting. I immediately thought of the work I do with the body. And once I thought of that I thought ok well when I shoot a body in the studio what do I look for.
I look for
How the light is hitting the subject?
How can I adjust the light to get what I want?
Where are the appealing lines?
What am I trying to say/show my viewer?
So now that I got that out on the table time to think about it. Well the light was very flat because it was about to rain not a horrible thing but not the best to work with. Then the next question was where are the appealing lines in the car it self? Well I was able to see with the light that was available that I had some cool and fun shadows to play with. And the biggest question is what am I trying to show the viewer? Now this question I had no clue at all. I have never looked at car photos with any artistic view or anything like that so I don’t know what car people look for. Now to some people look at photos of cars and say that just a car and that is all fine and good but that’s not the type of photographer I am. I try for all my work to have some sort of body and presence. So I got to talking with my friend and he was telling me all the stuff car enthusiast look for so I worked off of what he told me and got these images. I really hope you like them I put a lot of time and thought into shoot / editing them.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

storm chasing

So this is something I have wanted to shoot for a long time. But every time there is a storm I either never have my camera or its already raining way to hard. The other night I was in Madison and the storm was across the water and it was so perfect and I HAD MY CAMREA so I was really excited.

Friday, August 5, 2011

studio shoots

Hey all!!!
So this summer had been a little crazy and exciting to say the least. It’s had its ups and down but hey when dose life not have ups and downs. But it has been great and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You got to learn somehow.

But anyway with my photography. It’s been exciting. I have shot a lot of fun stuff. It has just kind of been me and my camera exploring life, witch is a great thing, it makes me stop and think about things other then just taking them for granted. But I hate to tell you that doesn’t just happen sometimes you need to really look at something to get the big picture. Trust me it takes a while.

So here is a shoot that I was able to do in the studio this summer witch was really fun. The model was great and we had a awesome day shooting. I think you can tell from the photos.

Something really cool we did during this shoot was something I have been wanting to do forever and it kind of just happen witch was great I love it when that kind of stuff happens when I’m shooting . At first it was just a new school style pin up shoot and she had this marilyn Monroe outfit so we recreated a few of my favorite marilyn shots

So here are some and there will be more

Friday, July 22, 2011

not much to say so heres a few photos from a job I just did. it was a great time.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

levis grad

so I shot a graduation and it was a great time. it was really dark and about to rain hahaha but in all the images came out ok i was shooting with my canon 10D with a 70 X 200 2.8. my iso had to go up to 400 then i had to go to 800 and idk if anyone has shot or shoots with the 10D once you go over 200 iso you get a lot of noise. but I think it adds to the images. Look and let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

morgan graduation

I went to my old hight schools graduation and it was a really fun time got some really sweet photos here are some from the day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

just shooting

Hey all
So I haven't updated anything in a long time so i will give you an update on what I have been up to. I got done with school for the year and been working a lot but I have been shooting as much possible. My thing this summer is just documenting life and how people live I think it could be fun and maybe a project could start from it. I do have a project in mind I'm going to start in the studio but I will wait to talk about that.

So these photos are of my friends rene and jills son. we were all just hanging out and he was running around crazy so i shot some photos to try and capture the fun of the day

Friday, April 15, 2011

slide show link

This is a light room like from drop box. look at the link that says my slide show

my slide show

Friday, April 8, 2011

    When I started this project, I wanted the images to be powerful, sexy and have dramatic lighting. All though that is still the feeling I'm going for, I want to do it a different way. For example my first few images with the gas mask were strong, in my opinion, however they were borderline fetish. That is not the feeling I wanted to get with them but that is how people saw them.  I just think the gas mask is too strong of a prop to use for the feeling I'm trying to get. In order to get the feeling I want with the images I tried to go with a mask thats a little more subtle and sexy, as you can see in my two new posts.
    Another thing that will give the viewer the feeling I'm trying to portray is light control. I'm going to go with this and see what feed back I get.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

first shoot


My name is Tom Naughton. I am an up and coming photographer coming out of New Haven, CT at Paier College of Art. This blog is going to be an update on what is going on in my photography life. 

Right now I am working on a project for my Digital Image Management class. The project is a spin off the group Suicide Girls. Suicide Girls is a website that features softcore pin-up-style photos and text profiles of goth, punk and indie-styled young women, although styles reminiscent of the 1940s and '50s pin-up models are also incorporated in the group. The reason I chose to do this is because I love old school pin-up style art and I have always wanted to recreate it and make it my own. I also want it to be about inner beauty and perceptual experience of pleasure and meaning. The way I am going about getting this feeling in my photos is very dark and mysterious, but sexy and flirty at the same time. I don't want any of the girls faces to be seen, so I have them wearing gas masks. The reason for this is because these masks are used to protect the face. I feel the eyes and face are a gateway to the soul, and I want the models to be pure in this unique environment.

My full artist statement is still yet to come, but I will post some stuff in the next few weeks. I hope you like the images and keep following this project and my travels.