Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Car shoot

So shooting cars has never really been something I love doing or something I think I’m good at. But my good friend said he really wanted me to take photos of his car. Of cores me being who I am and jumping on any photo opportunity I said yes. Going into this shoot I had no idea what to expect. I don’t know what to look for when I shoot cars I don’t know good angels when it come to shooting cars so you can say I went into this shoot blind. Sometimes that’s not always a bad thing. So I was thinking in my head well what could I relate a car to that is something I enjoy shooting. I immediately thought of the work I do with the body. And once I thought of that I thought ok well when I shoot a body in the studio what do I look for.
I look for
How the light is hitting the subject?
How can I adjust the light to get what I want?
Where are the appealing lines?
What am I trying to say/show my viewer?
So now that I got that out on the table time to think about it. Well the light was very flat because it was about to rain not a horrible thing but not the best to work with. Then the next question was where are the appealing lines in the car it self? Well I was able to see with the light that was available that I had some cool and fun shadows to play with. And the biggest question is what am I trying to show the viewer? Now this question I had no clue at all. I have never looked at car photos with any artistic view or anything like that so I don’t know what car people look for. Now to some people look at photos of cars and say that just a car and that is all fine and good but that’s not the type of photographer I am. I try for all my work to have some sort of body and presence. So I got to talking with my friend and he was telling me all the stuff car enthusiast look for so I worked off of what he told me and got these images. I really hope you like them I put a lot of time and thought into shoot / editing them.

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