Saturday, June 25, 2011

levis grad

so I shot a graduation and it was a great time. it was really dark and about to rain hahaha but in all the images came out ok i was shooting with my canon 10D with a 70 X 200 2.8. my iso had to go up to 400 then i had to go to 800 and idk if anyone has shot or shoots with the 10D once you go over 200 iso you get a lot of noise. but I think it adds to the images. Look and let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

morgan graduation

I went to my old hight schools graduation and it was a really fun time got some really sweet photos here are some from the day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

just shooting

Hey all
So I haven't updated anything in a long time so i will give you an update on what I have been up to. I got done with school for the year and been working a lot but I have been shooting as much possible. My thing this summer is just documenting life and how people live I think it could be fun and maybe a project could start from it. I do have a project in mind I'm going to start in the studio but I will wait to talk about that.

So these photos are of my friends rene and jills son. we were all just hanging out and he was running around crazy so i shot some photos to try and capture the fun of the day